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Are third party tools or the codex the only way to find systems with Guardian structures?

So I've been playing ED for quite some time now but have never done the guardian thing, and right now I'm going after the FSD booster. Here's what I know so far:

  • You can use the codex to find Guard/Tharg systems with reported/rumored/etc status
  • When commanders actually find rumored structures, they become reported
  • The FSS will show in the top right Guardian items next to Non-human/Geological/Biological etc on a landable planet if a structure is available
  • Guardian structures will appear in the nav panel within 1000ls proximity.
  • Brain trees on a planet indicate structures within 20 light years distance, maybe?

So I get how to find atleast one system with a structure, and how to find the structure in the system where I know one is located.

However I cannot find a means to locate a system that a structure will likely appear in. So far I've used the codex for known systems, and I'm attempting to survey systems around that system to see if more exist but so far coming up empty.

  1. Is surveying systems around the system noted in the codex that has the structure a thing in this game for finding more structures or am I wasting my time? In other words, what mechanic spawns the systems; if one system has a know site will there be more in that area of systems or is it entirely random?
  2. Do I have to rely on third party tools to locate a system apart from what's listed in the codex?

Thank you.


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