Calling All X-Box And PS Cmdrs.

Hi everyone.

I’m just reaching out from the X-Box/PS side of the Alliance Rapid-Reaction Corps. It sounds very much as though, since the split, most of the ED Squadrons are struggling when it comes to the Legacy side of things. Many Cmdrs have made the switch from console to play on PC and many others have just quit playing altogether. More than understandable of course. I’m just ‘testing the water’ to see if there are any Squadrons out there who might be interested in forming an inter-squadron ‘console alliance’ of sorts, whereby we could work together to try and make things more interesting for each other? Mutual BGS work, exploration trips, winging up to fight wars, bounty hunting or whatever really. Anything which might give us all a reason to enjoy logging on and playing. It seems that from a Legacy point of view, many Squadrons are struggling along with very small groups of XB/PS players and are finding it hard to keep morale high. Definitely the case at our end for the console guys.

If your Squadron is interested, please feel free to shout up. We are based in Zaonce and so obviously there will be the distance between us to consider from a practical point of view but hopefully there are a few Squadrons who might be in a position to consider the idea?

Kind regards,

Cmdr Harrier (Legacy Squadron Leader -ARRC)


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