Can bosses please get some kind of sound cue?

50% of the times I die in Tarkov it's because I accidentally walk into a boss. Because the boss AI likes to sit still and be silent and instantly kill you without warning.

Games that are punishing and difficult still need subtle cues to warn the player that they're in danger. But the bosses in Tarkov are ridiculously unrealistic and OP if you're not prepared or abusing mechanics. Which doesn't seem like rewarding gameplay to me. Bosses simply do not interest me, they're a drawback of the game that I am willing to stomach. I only wish to be able to avoid them.

"jUsT aVOiD tHeY'Re SpWawns"

Aside from the fact they spawn all over the place and often in center places. I feel like having to learn spawn points of bosses just to avoid a boring game mechanic isn't fun either.


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