The problem currently with devo is that it’s tied to such strong abilities that you are almost forced to run devotion just for one card and it ends up limiting deck building by half the possible options since you cut out neutrals. For example whoreson is the sole reason people run devo in sy. sy outside of congregate never ran Devo in the past since it didn’t have enough of a payoff. Now every sy deck runs devo.At this point the other devo cards are small extra incentives but the main purpose is for the one card. This is similar to ng and nr to lesser extents. It’s a bad way to push strong effects and should be looked into. The cost it has on deck building isn’t a cost to the strength of the decks but the creativity of deck building.
As for a solution, I don’t have one. Consumers usually don’t have a good understanding of how to solve problems but they know when one needs to be addressed . It’s a mechanic that is a lot more complicated than just some fix as it questions the power level of neutrals and what benefit devo should have.