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Dota 2 Pro Player Griefing Games on Smurf

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

A Brazilian "professional" player on his smurf first-picked Hoodwink over the Higher ranked player that already had marked to play middle. He didn't ask for mid or roll, he just first picked the hero.
This is the game ID: 5989708869

In this game, the Hoodwink is Brazilian is the smurf from the "pro" player "Mini" from the Division 2 team "Binomistas". The identity was confirmed by both the Slark and the Timber, who are also Br pro players.. One of them even asked Hood why he was deleted from his friends list.
The account is level 43, with no Battlepass in any year, and from the same guild as the main account.
During the game, he was using a voice changer, and when I started to trash talk him he said that he does not know who I am and does not give a shit about trolling.

This is a clear example of smurfing with game-ruining behavior, and it is not the first time things like this have happened.

To add salt to the injury, the "2ND DIVISION SA MID PALYER" in game nick at the moment is "murder children". Last week, here in Brazil, a crazy guy with a Katana invaded a school and killed 2 teachers and 3 children of about the age 0~3. It seems that his nickname is also mocking the tragedy that just happened.

Valve, we need some kind of response to this. I'm not sure how this are going on lower mmrs, but on high immortal it is almost a daily occurrence for professional players to troll games on their smurfs.

Just some days ago another pro-player (Timado) was playing on his smurf, he firstpick randomized Spectre on my game and went for vanguard-battlefury with no boots. Why can this behavior be repeated with no consequence whatsoever?

​​​​​​​This has to change


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