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dota2 rank discussion

Dota2 Mods

I have recently heard that it will be improved or touched to perform better. This is more of a complaint as I think dota 2 rank system doesn’t provide any joy as it can get taken away really fast as its very hard to climb back out of medals. I’m saying this as a comparison to other games like LoL where the ranking system is much more friendly then in dota. It just feels like you are stuck and I feel as if this is one of many reasons people stop playing the game. This is obviously only my point of view but I feel like it takes so much time to rank up in Dota than any other game. Also I don’t want to mention how easy it is to get better at starcraft bw or starcraft 2 because of the instant gratification you get by ranking up. I know it’s unfair to point these games out mainly because they are 1 v 1, but even then league is so much better too as it feels like you can actually get ranked up. Therefore it feels as if dota is a social status thing where the game is not enjoyable to play mainly because you are stuck playing with more people and you can’t give up or leave the game. I could be bringing up the subject that most people don’t want to touch like no placement of a surrender button (I know Dota ain’t LoL), but we should implement things that are good to make the game better especially when the game takes like 5-15mins to get a single game. Furthermore, being miserable in a game as you’re playing for 40 plus more minutes with teammates that you hate. In conclusion, the Dota 2 ranking system should be more friendly as there’s too many people with more than thousands of games and they can’t get out of their ranks as it takes too much time. I’m not saying it’s impossible but it’s too hard and unnecessary. Even further, implementing a lower queue timing and possibly adding a surrender button. I hope things get better – from a Dota 1 fan !


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