Endgame mobs seem off to me…

Is Valheim coming

Hey all, first time poster here, I've been playing the game for the past few months with my buddy and are having a blast with it! So glad that I discovered this game, Valheim managed to rekindle a love for videogames which I thought had died long ago.

That being said, something about the design with the endgame enemies just doesn't gel with me. If their supposed to be the most powerfull and deadly foes that our viking have to content with, they sure don't look the part!

Now, this isn't me complaining about how lethal a fulling or deathsquito is – I can solo them fairly consistently, and haven't even fought bonemass yet – it's about the design. They look like placeholder enemies.

I mean think about it – if you play the biomes in sequence, then your viking will have fought an army of forest spirits, the undead, killed dragons and hunted sea serpents. They would have gone from using crude, stone weapons to fighting with ornate blades made from exotic materials. And for the grand finale, the last thing standing between them and the final enemy… is a bunch of goblins and a swarm of mosquitoes? And a recolored blob enemy? Really? This game has such a great atmosphere rooted in viking culture that the perspective of having to fight a trio of generic enemies which sound like the early-game mobs from a generic fantasy RPG… makes me not really anticipate our eventual trek into the plains.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/s0ya3h/endgame_mobs_seem_off_to_me/

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