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Feeding in Dota :)

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I just played a game were in laning phase CM and Sniper had a disagreement, because Sniper did not help CM get the bounty rune. All went sour from there. CM went to jungle then resulting Sniper just walking in mid and feeding.

I still can't believe you have to painfully sit there and wait for the game to be over. Even if you try to win and try to farm your heart out to out-farm the enemy team that's being fed by your core. It is impossible to do so.

After for so many year why does Dota not have a Surrender Feature? It is already demoralizing to watch your teammate feed. But you have to wait for the enemy team to actually destroy the throne? I know there has been a huge decline of Dota Players from the pass year, but is this the why they want to keep their active players up? For this kind of scenario, 100% of the time we already accepted the defeat and the lost of MMR.

I'll get off Dota for a while. I do enjoy the game. Is just that sometimes it can be cruel on how it breaks you as a person, for simply making you sit for a good 15 mins and making you watch and realized that you are wasting your time.


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