I've never played such an intense game. My hands were trembling after navigating my way through Customs and surviving my first PMC raid. Everything felt against me. I spawned Customs with just a pistol, it was pitch black, and immediately heard gunshots. I managed to sneak through the woods to kill a PMC and two player scavs.
I really have no idea how I was able to make my shots hit, but the gunplay feels solid. Playing stealthily and relying on audio was crucial, despite being absolutely nerve-wracking. I realized it was actually dawn and the map got lighter as I played.
Things that I'll need to improve on are looting and learning extracts. I left a lot of gear because I couldn't figure out the inventory UI while gunshots were happening around me. I also had to play with the Customs map on my phone. I'm just thankful I quickly figured out where I was and was able to pick a safe path through the map.
Anyways, this game rocks and I hope my next raids go just as smooth as this one.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/gt2fyr/first_pmc_raid_ever_some_thoughts/