I've been looking for something like the Traveller RPG for PC, and I'm wondering how closely this game fits the bill. I've tried googling videos and reading up on Wiki and a few sites, but there's simply SO MUCH data that I can't find a simple overview of what you can or can't do. Before I spend a bunch of money, I'd like to make sure I know what I'm getting into. Can anyone tell me if you can;
- Customize a character
- Customize outfits
- Customize personal weapons/gear
- Customize ships (visually)
- Visit cities (as in actually explore on foot)
- Visit stations (again, exploring on foot)
- Visit stores, bars, etc.
- Establish a home (other than a ship)
- Find alien artifacts
Don't get me wrong, I totally get the allure of the space travel, mining, cargo hauling, bounty hunting, etc. I'm just wondering if that's 99% of the game, or if there is more to it.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/y1fjp3/game_content_query/