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Has anyone else just felt… off this wipe?

**BEFORE THIS POST I AM NOT CRITICIZING THE GAME, NOR NIKITA, CHILL*** I have played since 0.6 and have nearly 1700 hours, played fine every other wipe.*

The beginning of this wipe has gone great for me! Got to level 40 a couple weeks ago and was still trying to farm some cash, I had a stash value of around 30 mil, and was sitting at 3 mil, more or less – I had about a 6.0 KD and 50% Survival rate.

In the past three days, I have survived a solid 3-5 pmc raids, out of about 50 raids or more a day (summer break, and quarantine)

When I get into raid I try to rush dorms or new gas to find Reshala for my quest, out of more than 50 customs raid I have found him once, and got fucked by rat man himself.

I hate to complain about "REEE PEOPLE JUST CAMP REE!!!!" but this wipe I have seen so many people sitting in bushes, or sitting in sniping spots (InB4 "fuck you, its a valid playstyle!") I'm not saying that it's not valid, but that is just what I keep running into.

Basically, I just feel like I am getting absolutely fucked on, getting head eye'sed when running high gear and armor by rat man sitting in a bush, and when running a face shield getting absolutely gamered by chad man jimmy running a slick, altyn, and val with bp ammo; OR I am getting sniped from 1000 meters away, or getting killed while I'm behind cover. It's really fun…

Another thing that I feel is bothering me is that in this wipe it just seems a bit laggy, no stutters, but half as much performance than I had last wipe, reserve and shoreline give me MAYBE 60 fps when I'm lucky and when aiming down sights I get about 30. I hate to "REEE me bad cause game laggy, FIX YOUR GAME RREEEEEE!!!!!" but trying to snipe people with 30 frames is genuinely difficult.

I'm thinking that the binaural audio may be why I am having performance issues, but I don't understand why, I have a beast of a PC, but who knows.

I keep shooting people in the face and then they one tap me, and I have zero hit counts, or I shoot someone in the chest with half a mag, get one tapped, save the replay, and my crosshair is on them with every shot, only to have like 4 hit-counts.

I hope that I can stop running into chad man gamers, or sneaky rat bois who bring absolutely nothing and one tap me with the old rusty mosin.

Y'all had any issues like this?

EDIT: I know the spawns, and I'm not trying to play like a streamer chad, that's just how I play, I appreciate the tips, but those aren't my issues


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