Hi Reddit Comm, let’s have a discussion!

So, the other day…I was tuned into beasts stream..I asked the question on if the Dev team would take another look at the smasher launching/fall damage changes aswell as the propane/gas trap affliction damage changes… (Update 11.20/30)

I got told that the Dev team do look and see posts here, so let's have a discussion and hopefully attract them!

Changes I want to discuss:

Smashers being made to not be launchable by floor and wall launchers.

Floor launcher damage being removed.

Propanes self exploding at (28%?) Health.

Gas trap affliction being removed.

So, open floor time…what do we think about those changes…almost 3 years on.. obviously those changes started the stall/jail meta….I think they were kind of harsh…

I'd like to get people's opinions on this, as many of possible…to hopefully get some sort of response from atleast one developer.

Do YOU think they where good changes, bad changes, and why? Or do you not mind, hey that's fine too!

Thank u comm

Blizzard 😀

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/x08a0b/hi_reddit_comm_lets_have_a_discussion/

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