How do you win with faceless void?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Recently got back to ancient 1 after a year hiatus, playing a variety of pos 1 heroes. Tried picking up void again and I've since gone 6-14 with him.

Last game I was in a lobby vs all low archons and I was the only legend in the game (dropped out of ancient due to the massive loss streak) and we got completely destroyed in like 25 minutes, when I only had MoM + midas and just barely got bkb before they ended. These are opponents over 1k mmr below me. He seems to be garbage at all stages of the game.

I can usually survive lane but end up lower cs than usual due to his garbage attack animation and how weak he is before level 5 – typically around 3.5k @10. His farming speed is slow as shit since he doesn't really have an attack steroid, his only kill threat is on a 2.5 minute cooldown, at rank 3 his ultimate costs HALF his mana pool so I frequently can't fight because I'm oom/have to constantly ship mangoes (or jump into a fight and then realize i don't have mana for chrono), without his ulti he's extremely weak, and late game he does not do enough damage to kill most heroes within chrono window because his actual dps is not very good, and everyone has aeon. His late game sucks because his buyback is pretty worthless without chrono, same deal with aegis.

I feel like when I'm itemizing him I never have enough attack speed or damage or survivability. I usually go treads MoM(turn into bfly) mael bkb mjolnir bfly/skadi refresher, 6th item situational if game goes that far. I always lose late, my only wins are usually one-sided games.

How do you win with this hero?


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