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So like two weeks ago, BSG apparently nerfed scavs. We've asked for a nerf, but of course BSG are fucking imbeciles and instead of changing their behavior, they just lowered the chance of the higher difficulty scavs spawning. So I was just on Customs, and the raid was going pretty well, when a mosin scav just one tapped each of my teammates out of nowhere. With me being at the big skeleton upstairs, I had nothing to do but to push him. Of course I did, and all of a sudden he pulls a kedr out of his ass. That's okay, I magdump him with my AKS and start healing since he blacked my arm. Then, while performing my self-circumcision, I hear footsteps in the grass approximately 15 to 20 meters away. No big deal, I finish the surgery and move out. Then, I back out of my inventory, and a scav appears out of buttfuck nowhere, crouching right in front of me and fires a single shot, boom, head-ears. The thing is, I had protection on my ears, and was facing him eyes to eyes. He had just T-45M1 and even though it could penetrate my helmet head on, there's no way that could have gone through. I might have accepted this had he not taken any time to start targeting me, with me having no chance to react, and instantly one tapping me. Also, I've had binaural audio turned off since the start of the wipe. Please fix BSG.


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