How often have you been caught off guard by enemies when Roshan’s health is low?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

There are a lot's of suspicious moments i got i my games, especially when enemyes goes in roshan and initiate with skills especially almost always at last percents of HP. I know that there are a lot of cheats produced by hackers that let people to see teleports over fog of war, there are such a lot of youtube videos which shows how a lot of information about game cheaters earn. Current enemy items, skill cooldowns, roshan HP bar, networths.

So i decide to post this and ask community, how often have you been caught off guard by enemies when Roshan's health is low?

I suggest, be patient and report every moment to the enemy team, because all we can to do with this: let the replay patrol observers to judge! I know that fair patrol observer won't get any mistakes. So please vote down this post to get the statistics.

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