So I've been around this sub for quite a while and I'm sure theres a decent bit of you who remember my original post doing this ridiculous challenge
Long story short, I've spent the last 30 hours farming the red keycard spawns non-stop. I also did a 17 hour run before I started this 30 hour endeavor, so I have been farming for about 48 hours in the past 2 or 3 days. Still havenn't found one.
Just a few short of 300 raids, I've gotten ridiculous amounts of gear and money just from hitting some very simple rooms along the way. I've filled up nearly three scav junkboxes worth of barter items, 15+ ledx's, 30+ gpus, tons of tetriz, etc etc etc. I won't go into too much detail because I plan to make a video on it breaking it down in a much more analytical manner once I'm done.
My run goes like this:
Spawn on west side of map > W218,W216,GYM KEYCARD SPAWN, RUSH E218,E226,E STOREROM, E 314, E310.
Spawn on east side of map >E218,E226,GYM KEYCARD SPAWN,W218,W216. I don't go for the extra rooms in the east side spawn because I don't wnat to get beat to the other spawn rooms by other hatceht runners.
Now, once again I'm sure im leaving out some stuff and theres some errors but I've been aware for 30+ hours at this point and I'm trying my best.
If you have any questions, I've been streaming the entire run on twitch, however sadly the big chunky vod with most of my time (21 hours) bugged out and was lost. I've had to take a break because my internet has gone down the shitter, however im still going strong as this is posted
I'm not sure if this is allowed but I'll do a shameless plug here
mods if that is not allowed please let me know and I'll remove the link immediately. Thank you