So I’ve been playing tarkov since halfway through last wipe I’ve got over 300 hours in the game now and I’m confident in gunfights and such with my pmc and have no gear fear due to the fact that my scav run is so consistent.
I’ve been running my scav on customs and following the same route and I’ve been consistently making 4-5 hindered thousand roubles. So with this mentality I really don’t care if I see another scav and they don’t shoot me I’ll just say do you want something.
I gave away a defibrillator and a ophthalmoscope and the next scav run I gave away another ophthalmoscope.
My mentality behind this is I’ve been fucked over by player scavs I’ve needed these quest items for so long that you never know if someone else needs them and my scav run is up every 5 minutes so if I need more roubles so I can build the val with Bp ammo or a ak-105 with bs then I don’t have to wait long and then I can get straight back in.