I had maybe one of my most beautiful games of dota 2 earlier this morning, also a small question about Viper vs Skywrath.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Match ID is 6481324727

The weirdest thing that happened was early game, my mid invoker was getting pushed pretty hard by the enemy mid Viper. We all noticed Viper was going in deep on him, and everyone cept the carry tped mid at the exact same time. As much Dota 2 that I play, have yet to see that coordination from randoms.

It was a game where they did end up getting mega creeps but, we were able to hold them off as they were killing our ancient, and push back for a win. Think we also were still like 10 to 20 kills behind.

Anyways, my question though is, who do you consider simpler to play? Viper or Skywrath. I mean for me Viper is miles away the simple one, but at the end of the match he was trash talking me for my pick+how small brain it is.

I mean I have to actually pick my targets and press multiple buttons on the right people while keeping just barely out of the thick of things… Though, I did oddly end up significantly more tanky than the Elder Titan, so idk.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/th2cq4/i_had_maybe_one_of_my_most_beautiful_games_of/

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