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I Miss Elite Dangerous

I played exclusively on XBOX. My PC won't run the game anymore.

I'm not mad at Frontier for giving up XBOX support. I get it. I just, miss it.

I've got an Explorer Asp. I was in The Black when the news came out, on my way back to the bubble with some new map data.

Will the data still be updated over all platforms? If I still go out there and discover new planets, will my name still be among the stars? Do enough people still play for me to be a Fuel Rat?

I have so many questions. The population was low when I played before anyway, but what made the game feel special to me was the shared exploration experience.

Will the factions and bubble still update in real time?

Will I ever get to experience ED the same way I have over these years? My stories. My adventures. Will they still matter?

I just needed to get this out. Do you feel the same way? Do you have any of these answers? Is Xbox ED fully disconnected from the entire ED community now?

Thank you for reading. This is mostly rambling but I need an excuse to get back out there. To play and know it still matters. To explore and put my name on the galaxy.


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