I think this game actually rewards your brain for preferring kills over taking objectives

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

One of the biggest issues in lower ranked games is that players don't know how to end games, i.e, they don't know how and when to take buildings.

But think about it, the game has waaaay more audio announcements for killing heroes than it does for taking towers.

You get a huge "First blood" announcement, an announcement for every killing streak starting from 3 that gets more and more dramatic. You get announcements for double, triple and ultra kills. When you get a rampage, you even get a nice big banner in red across the middle of the screen.

But what do you get for taking objectives?? A very low volume announcement and text line at the bottom. Even a mega creep achievement is nothing but a horn that blows for like 2 seconds

So obviously your brain will learn towards achieving things that provide for better visual and audio stimulation. My hypothesis is that if someone creates a mod where kill announcements are less dramatic and taking towers are super dramatic, over time players would actually get better at taking objectives and ending games earlier.

Edit : Most of the comments seem to think I am complaining or seriously suggesting a change implementation. It's just a fun "what if" thought experiment. There are some comments here that make a very solid point of PvE vs PvP aspect between taking objectives and players, which i don't disagree with. But i would argue that objective taking can be and is very much a PvP interaction, it becomes more and more so as you go up in skill level. Everything that players do in pro games is more or less about taking objectives. You farm in a way to make taking objectives easier for you and harder for your team, you take teamfights to secure or defend objectives.

For example, in chess, everyone knows the only way to win is by taking the King. But most low ELO players still get caught overly emphasising on their Queen and Rooks, often not seeing chances to win the game by sacrificing their Queen. But chess also does not make a big deal of how many pieces your Queen has captured. If you start keeping scores of pieces taken in consecutive moves for example and give out some sort of artificial incentive, new players might play worse without changing any rule of the game.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/127mrof/i_think_this_game_actually_rewards_your_brain_for/

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