If people here really want to halt any sort of account buying/boosting going forward then look here.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Notice I wrote halt since this shit probably won't stop it but it's going to make it way harder to grind new accounts to ranked games.

Dota is a relatively small game. And you can consistently queue into the same team with barely any effort. We've seen it time and time again people where there's like 10 bots in one game farming hours. And the way they do it is simple using a function that's been in dota since the game came out.

Namely the "Select Matchmaking Language" setting. It's ONLY being used to abuse the system. It's literally ONLY being used to abuse the system (at least in EU) and get friends/bots to be on the same team in majority of games.

If Valve removes this setting one day I'm pretty sure it's going to make farming hours on new account way harder since they can't queue 10 bots into one game on a whatever server on portuguese language setting.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/r3dwpd/if_people_here_really_want_to_halt_any_sort_of/

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