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In defense of Syndicate

gerald witcher3 gwent

So I see a lot of hate directed at Syndicate lately. I understand that. Some of the cards feel over powered and jackpot needs a provision nerf. That will certainly be addressed in the next update.

But think, for a moment, of the cards we have to deal with. NG has 11 for 5 thinning bronzes, cheap locks galore, and what remains the single most powerful card in the game. NR has Foltest, who on blue coin comes out at ten points and is a five point per turn engine, and siege, which is much improved by the buff to reinforced ballista. Monsters has 2 point per turn 4p cards, a ten point body that gives resilience, and 2 endless larvae producing engines. It would be insanely difficult to keep up with these cards without the versatility that SY provides. Whoreson might be overtuned a bit, maybe 11p, but he’s a godsend for long time syndicate mains who for years needed to, for example, commit 8 coins and freak show/borsodi to kill two deadeyes when facing an elven deck. They are trying to keep syndicate relevant by expanding the abilities provided by coins, such as cleaver and whoreson, and I actually really appreciate that, even if it does end up OP sometimes.

TLDR; I think that Jackpot needs to be 14 or even 13 provisions, it’s that strong, and whoreson needs to be at 11p. But I really appreciate CDPR trying to be creative with spenders and coin hoarding.


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