Increase in campers?

Anyone else noticed a increase in campers? And I don't even mean the extract campers. Just people who, as soon as they hear a single step, stop moving completely. They will hear someone and stop moving until the other person either leaves or runs past them.
I just don't get it. Yes of course sometimes it's better to just sit and listen but these people will sit in a room for a solid 10 minutes without moving a muscle. And these are not Timmy's, No no i killed 2 people in the resort today who were camping their ass off, they were both around level 40 and then I get killed by their third teammate who sits in corner as well. I mean it's 3v1 at least give me a little bit of a chance. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
I know this post is a rant but it's just so frustrating when you run past someone who didn't move an inch and get killed because you literally have a 0% chance of living in that situation. And yeah I could check literally every corner, but who does that.
Maybe it's just a playstyle i don't get or i don't know. Honestly for my part, as soon as I hear a player i try to pin point their position and rush to them to have an honest fight but maybe I'm just more into action filled gunfights and not little bitch gun fights.
Rant end


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