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Like/dislike post for this season

witcher gwent cards witcher table

Hey just wanted to give my feedback on the game for this season, I made a post like this 2 months ago and it was seen as a Renfri rant post (tbh she was the whole game at that time). This is just my opinion feel free to roast me for it

_The great diversity of decks, every faction is playable, Gwent has in my opinion hit peak balance from the past year, there are 3 decks that at least are playable in the current meta per faction
NR has Knight, Alumni, Siege (even if it is less strong than in the previous patch), and Blue Stripes/Renfri Gang Spam.
Monster got Wild Hunt, Deathwish, Vampire, Relicts, and Thrive.
ST got Dwarves, Elves, Harmony, and middle ground between those decks
SK got Pirates, Warriors, Rain, Sihil, and Selfwound and I didn't test Druids but I would assume they are playable
NG got Renfri Soldiers, Hyperthin Albricht (works really well), Tactics, Imperial Practitioner, and of course Assimilate
And SY got Lined Pockets Nekker, Of the Books, and Hoard

_ Shupe was a cool event

_ Balance is improving which means that playtesters are better. I like the way this going.

_ I am really enthusiastic about the next card drop with (I don't know where I heard it but) NO NEUTRALS so no Golden Nekker, Aerondight, or Renfri situation. It will probably boost Gwent's stats a lot since they are on the decline which is sad because it is the most Balance we have seen in a while.

_ Gwent Content creation is on the rise in terms of Stats, still cool which means that more players are coming.
In Conclusion, the game is great, the game is fun game is balanced and I have seen fewer rants than ever on this subreddit.


_ Still a few overturned cards, not much but just a tiny bit like Nausica Sergent, Renfri, Triss Meteor Shower.
_ Communication and Marketing around Gwent are in a bad spot. Please CDPR, put a thing with the Witcher 3 launcher that tells this game exists. Most people are discovering the game from just raw curiosity.

Recommended Changes:
_ Nerf Renfri, again, the buff to curse of Gluttony was so bad from an ok curse. She is overturned for a neutral and with really low counterplay because it is built like a scenario but with carryover so bleeding it is very hard. 15p 4 power is minimum for me
_ Nausica Sergent at 6p or rework
_ Triss Meteor Shower at 14p to bring back double sunset and also because she deserves it even if I love Triss.
_ Rework Stefan Skellen, the way he procs assimilate is disgusting
_ Put Veil on Letica Charbonneau or put it to 7 power.
_ Buff Firesworn but I don't know how it could be done
_ Shady Vendor to 6p (why is no one talking about this card anymore)
_ Wild Hunt Bruiser to 4p or 6power
_ Change Adda: Striga to a lock
_ Give Extra mulligans to devotion for all factions
_ Yaga to 11p
_ Vypper to 7p
_ Roche: Mercyless to 11p
_ Rework Coodcoodack (I bet you forgot this card existed)
_ Rework Ulfediin
_ Finally complete the rework cycle with Rayla the Black, Nithral, Pavko Gale, and Hvitur and Aelydia.

That's my opinion what is yours


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