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Little unmotivated to continue playing

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

Discovered the game about a month a go. Absolutely fell in love with it. Now, I've ran into something very frustrating which is limiting my enjoyment..

I can't find Yagluth!

I've cleared countless plains biomes, I even go at night in the hopes of seeing the red glow of his vegvisir. In the mean time I've maxed out my armor and weapons and got the highest tier food for now. Currently all I'm doing is sailing around until I find a plains biome, build little home with a portal, run around clearing villages and going back, make food etc etc etc.

I've read that many players have had this experience, even from 2-3 years ago. So, is this intentional? Do the devs want the experience to be like this? Are they aware? I understand you want people to experience a bit of exploration. However, at the moment all exploration is pointless. there's nothing more for me to gain from a new plains biome outside of yagluth.

Wondering how common this is. What are your thoughts?


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