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Making things more expensive just hurts lower skill/time players + mid wipe changes are ridiculous

Heres my logic:

If you die you don't make money or progress. you don't make money or progress you have to use trash gear, you use trash gear you are at a disadvantage, you are at a disadvantage and die and then the loop repeats itself.

If you don't die you take other peoples stuff, you accumulate more wealth and can buy whatever you want because so long as you have about a 1 million float you can run whatever gear you want, you are at an advantage and die less thus accumulating more wealth and the cycle repeats.

Example making even crappy assault rifles like the 5.56 MDR unobtainable or mid tier ammo like M856A1 hard to obtain for lower skill players hurts them. We need equalizers not barriers. Adding hideout requirements mid wipe with the spare metal parts also hurts those who didnt rush hideout. Im sitting pretty with my hideout basically maxed except solar and bitcoin 3 but other people who didn't/couldn't were screwed because of these changes.

I get it some of you are going to say "Tarkov isnt fair tough titties" but that's how you kill games. You need to make is accessible to a wide enough audience. I'm not saying free handouts but from the way it looks if you don't start this wipe within the next week your basically screwed and if you take too long to progress BSG will move the goal post and put you behind again.

Im level 36 and I have no issues obtaining anything I want, I go to labs with therapists 4, I farm rouges for armor and ammo, im crafting m995 off cooldown. I have barely been impacted by these changes but my friends are having a harder and harder time competing as the wipe goes on.

I know reddit has a tendency for hating on anyone who is ahead of the progression curve but this is what I'm seeing as of now.


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