Message for those on a bad gwent day / losing streak

gerald witcher3 gwent

Having a bad gwent day or losing streak at any rank is a possible occurrence or outcome any given day. Whenever it happens it feels really bad man and leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

And you start asking yourself: am I not good enough anymore? Have I lost it? Are my decks bad? Is the meta too stale and dominated with a narrow minority?

Well I am just here to tell you: it is none of the above. Shit just happens sometimes. Taking a short break and coming back with a fresh mindset will change a lot. If you're loaded with frustration, chances are, you will be much more likely to continue your losing streak. Never forget that at its core Gwent is a game that we play for fun, fun that can sometimes also be found in defeat.

My experience this season: after having finished the mastery for most skellige leaders, I wanted to start working on my Blaze of Glory wins. I built warriors (obviously) and went into pro. I lost more than a few matches and kept tweaking and tweaking the deck, trying ideas/additions from popular streamers, with disco package? Without disco package?
Everything kept progressing so badly, I suddenly found myself at MMR 2287!! At that time I literally told myself am never playing one more skellige game this season, I promise myself!

Well surprise surprise, after about a week I decided to give it another go! Changed it up and went into pro with skellige. And after loads of fun and games, I am proud to say that I reside now at MMR 2412, having climbed ALL THE WAY up from 2287. And guess what? I did it with a tweaked version of "Blaze of Glory" !


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