Mirana leap, zeus jump and shadow fiend razes should just go in the direction of the cursor instead of direction hero is facing

DOTA 2 Guides

Sometimes your hero doesn't face where you click because it's trying to path around something. Other times you can't even see where your hero is facing in the middle of the visual clutter of a ton of teamfight spells. Especially when you're right next to the edge of a cliff and trying to leap up the cliff, you can't even click in front of your hero to make your hero face there, because clicking uphill will make your hero face a different direction.

It's just far easier and far less clunky to make mirana leap in the direction of the cursor, and make shadow fiend raze in the direction of the cursor (but still a fixed distance, same as it works currently)

Yes I know direction move exists but direction move is a far less elegant solution than simply making these spells cast in the direction of the cursor. Direction move is a crutch for a problem that doesn't even have to exist.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/vl8lzb/mirana_leap_zeus_jump_and_shadow_fiend_razes/

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