Mistlands is great but…

Walheim - five bosses

Been having a ton of fun with this update but there's one glaring issue and I don't know why more people aren't talking about it. That would be the extremely vertical landscape combined with no ability to attack on the y-axis. The terrain isn't a problem, it works perfectly, tall peaks above the mist while the valleys below are completely shrouded. It's beautiful and (avoiding spoilers) there are new items to make travel in the mistlands easier. I want to be clear, I don't have any problems with the terrain generation itself.

The problem is how you literally just can't fight in meele in this environment. It feels soo bad, I actually have to run away from mobs and search for a suitable battlefield for us because you can't meele fight in 80% of this biome. This has always been a quirk of the game but now is becoming a real problem. Designing a biome this focused on verticality, when you can't even aim your attacks up or down, is really really stupid imo and feels terrible.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/zmu5m5/mistlands_is_great_but/

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