My reasoning for the upcoming votes

gerald witcher3 gwent

This is just a little post to try and justify my voting and possibly persuade others more reasonable votes than targetting factions or buffing old strong archetypes into unbeatable territory. P.s. not trying to target NR but it got unjustified buffs imo.

  1. Siege – Removal often is worth more than greed, so to see a removal scenario get buffed over any of the others, esepcially SY (both), Haunt, or Fein death blows my mind. I would be happy if any other old gen scenarios came down 1 provision, but not siege. I am SK main and would never vote for endless voyage to be buffed.

  2. Temple still cheats provisions that people love to complain about. Resilience, Tutor, immunity, cheats 21-38 provisions. Great card but compare it to any other 14 and its better.

  3. AQ – 142 points in 4 turns. I will die on this hill.

  4. Inspired zeal – if you play any type of control you know this leader is one of the best in the game. Being unanswerable, or overloading the board (siege + Vengeance + Shani + Demavend) is really powerful and tons of tempo. I dont want to nerf any leaders, I think many need buffs, but this one is definately incredible ability.

  5. Lilliths omen – Really under played card, only really synergies with Koschey decks which is sad since I hate ksochey answer or lose aspect. This card could help devotion decks though.

  6. Felmar is badly powercrept at his provision cost. A few 12s deserve to move down 1 in my opinion (Hemdall, professor, roche, Harald the cripple) these dont really have broken ceilings.


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