New/Bad players. Please read this post before you come here asking for the game to be easier.

Tarkov is a game that is almost 100% knowledge gap. Any player of any range of mechanical ability can become a top player simply because of how the game is designed. You do not need to be a crackhead 90ms reaction time superstar to get kills. All you need is to have knowledge of player movements and positioning, as well as how the guns work and map knowledge.

The only way that you will get better is by headbashing stuff until you learn it. That's why I always adamantly recommend factory spam for the first few hundred hours. You learn basic PVP, mechanics, and scavs, (without worrying about a complex map or separate extractions) then you can expand to learning customs/other maps and start questing.

The single largest mistake that new players make is avoiding PvP and interaction because they are terrified. Ratting may be a good way to survive, but you do not learn the game.

u/sixnb said something that I felt was worded extremely well in response to new players complaining.

>> "You just don't see the low levels that often because they're either tasking or they're scared shitless to the point they sit in a bush till the last 10 minutes and then come here to complain why they never learn anything and that it's too hard to progress, when their playtime is a avoiding any interaction and hiding in the dark rather than getting in fights and learning."

TL;DR, Rat if you want as a new player, but don't expect to get significantly better at the game.


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