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Nice, I can finally buy and enjoy this game…

Walheim - five bosses

I bought this game on its launch on my old Steam account, played for like 5 hours and had to quit because of the annoying raids. I'm glad they finally realized not everybody gives a shit about the "challenge" and now I can finally enjoy the game years after my hype for it died…

I know this is a pointless post, and I'm ready for the downvotes. I'm sorry, I just wanted to spit out my frustration somewhere. Like, was this feature really that hard to implement that it took them 2 years? There were even a mod and a workaround for this, so it's not like this wasn't a wanted feature. I don't even mind an actual challenge nor the raids, and I'd be totally fine with the monsters stealing from my chests etc. as long as my builds were undestructable. Anyway, I'm glad I can finally play this game without bothering with mods etc. Peace.


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