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Nostalgia: Old stories from Tarkov

Any chance we can have a reminiscing thread? A place where we talk about the crazy/annoying/weird/funny aspects of Tarkov's past. Just to remind the whipper snappers about how Tarkov used to be and a place to discuss how far it came. "Old" might be exaggerating a bit, I've only been here for four wipes or so. But I would love to hear even older stories!

Anyone remember the wipe when bitcoins were worth about 800k roubles? And tetriz traded one for one for a bitcoin. Every Interchange raid was stacked with either super chads or naked runners trying to get to the tech stores first. You could easily leave the map with millions just from hitting Texho, Techlight and Rasmussen. GPUs were going for a million on the flea, cpu fans were like 80k. Absolute madness but was interesting for a while. We'll never have fights like those in Interchange again. I have a soft spot for that wipe, it was the only time I got kappa. What wipes were your favourites?

Or remember before the last expansion on Customs? There was no fortress or crack house. The map, supposed to be the beginner map, was an absolute neat grinder because to get from one side to the other you either needed to go past dorms or through Gas station. No way you wouldn't get a fight.

Remember before FIR was brought in and everyone would make millions flipping items on the flea? Crazy thinking how different the game is now.

Remember when the ks-23 first came out? And everyone lost their shit when they got shit with the flashbang rounds? Absolute insanity for a while with everyone and their mam running around Factory with a KS and it was pure carnage.

What stories would you guys like to share?


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