Offlane is the new support?

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Playing offlane has recently been an extremely frustrating experience for me and I started to wonder: is it only me?

My recent experience with position 4 players is that, they often think they can just do whatever they want in the name of "roaming" and basically let offlane player get f*cked from level 1. There has been multiple games where, if my position 4 would just stick in the lane for first couple of levels, we would easily crush the lane and dumpster the enemy carry's game but my support just doesn't want to. Instead, he wants to "roam" which basically translates to tping to another lane(s) and walking back and forth. They refuse to pull back the lane and religiously refuse to spend gold on consumables/wards and just save for their (non-supportive) item(s). In the end, what ends up happening is that the offlane gets dumpstered, the enemy carry goes out of control and suddenly the team starts to flame the offlane position.

It is also a funny that lately, when I queue games for all roles, I get offlane instead of the usual support role(s). Do people despise playing offlane so much so that they rather play support roles instead of offlane? How is your experience in playing offlane roles these days?


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