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People to avoid when playing games

Even though the name is changeable, people tend to use the same name because its pointless to change every time.

Currently our community is small so its easy to get matched with same people over and over, or at least it has been my case.

An easy way to identify a cheater who is teaming with their friends is by turning off lights and killing when nobody is watching (carefull with cameras!), you will instantly hear a meeting calling you out and their proof will be ''trust me or I saw '', or any other kind of extreme supportive behavior.

Im willing to update this list if it ever gets pinned and enough support, feel free to send ss to report and update the thread

Remember the only real prooves are visuals not ''omg no he was with me u are the sus''

It is highly recommended to avoid them even if you don't see them with their reported friends, punish them for their behaviour!

Grouped by teams

North America server:

·Laylaa - extremely toxic, even if you are not imposter she and her friends will vote  
     you if you suspect her

·Rose - Brother and sister, non english speakers.
·bend over

·Brutus - usually host, if you try to report any of the other 2 he will call you 
     retarded and kick you out of the room.

·Chick - Literally both of them wearing eggs as hats, hyper supportive and toxic

·The Boss - Self explanatory
·Bodyguard #1-3

Hackers, easily detectable, they will always get imposter or know who is imposter even if they haven't moved:

Pretty much anyone with the name ''Impasta'' is a hacker.
·Lauranie - I got impostor and she killed me anyway.


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