Predict the meta – Patch 11.4 Edition

witcher gwent cards

This is the next in a series of monthly posts to see how good reddit is in predicting the effects of new cards and new patches. If previous months' predictions are any indication, reddit is collectively more wrong than right in their prognostication, which may be a good thang, as that means there are surprises to discover? This month's Patch Notes don't seem to have many actual patches, probably because of the 24 cards dropping at the same time.

Time to guess about what parts of the new patch (and the new cards) are going to ruin what starting tomorrow. Time to put your punditry to paper, as it were.

So predict for us:

  1. Which faction is going to be strongest in the April Season?

  2. Which will be weakest?

  3. Which buffed or reworked card will be the most broken?

  4. Which new card will be the most overplayed?

  5. Which new or reworked cards will see almost no play?

  6. Will Idr finally become a thing, or remain a curiosity?

  7. Which will be hated by other players more – Cargo or Explosives?

  8. Which card will be useless on Ladder, but crazy broken in Draft?

  9. Did this Patch do more harm or more good?

Correct prophets get bragging rights


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