Random Idea: Rental Gear

Had a random idea come to mind: What if there was a vendor who leased you gear?

You could rent items for a discount compared to their purchase price. You get said items for a period of time with a per day rental fee that you sign up for at time of lease.

Failing to return items (either through death or forgetting to surrender them before the rental period closes) will cost you more than what the purchase price of that item would've been. Can go into debt of course if you bite off more than you could chew.

Perhaps this could all be tied into Fence as a service he offers? Better fence rep gives you access to better items to rent, or maybe a discount as well for rentals? Failing to return goods could also incur a Fence rep penalty which sort of acts like your credit score. Returning goods on time would maybe be another way to boost Fence rep (provided they were used in a raid so it couldn't be abused).

If you're down on your luck and have no more gear and very little money, you could gamble your last 100K RUB for a semi-decent kit. It might pan out and get you ahead, or you screw up and lose it all costing you even more.

I can totally see myself renting a REAP-IR for like 1/10th the price and losing it in the first 5 minutes of a raid. Then being millions in debt because of it haha.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/sm5c25/random_idea_rental_gear/

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