Regarding this subreddit’s strange obsession with Wild Hunt decks.

the witcher and ciri gwent

Why does everyone parade WH as if it’s been terrible for centuries and deserves to be tier 0 for the rest of time? The buffs they gave it months ago were good (and also underrated on this sub), and now it’s borderline busted with Tir Na Lia being able to play 100+ point foglets, not to mention the new Caranthir. The deck has never been bad. Sure it hasn’t been tier 1, but it’s been playable for months, and even got lots of people to pro rank towards the end of a recent season. There’s a massive difference between a deck being bad, and a deck simply having a bad matchup against most decks in the meta. I don’t understand this notion that this deck is somehow still terrible and must be tier 0. No other deck gets this much outcry. I swear half of this subreddit sees the game strictly through frost covered lenses. I get that it’s a cool archetype and lots of people like it, but I can’t be the only one who’s noticed this, right?


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