Reloading while sprinting

I'm probably the only one who finds this as an issue. How are we reloading perfectly while full sprinting away? You get into these gun fights. Bait some shots. Then when he's reloading you can't punish cause he can just keep running around cover until his next mag is in. I'm by no means a trained shooter. I still sometimes miss the mag standing still irl lol. However it has to be an increase of difficulty to reload while sprinting.
I'm not complaining about taking it away. You definitely could reload while sprinting. But maybe punish it? Reloads take longer? Can't sprint at full speed while reloading? Idk.
Like imagine getting into a fight in offices and you hear him reload so you push but he just runs out the other door as you come in and then has advantage again outside hall behind filing cabinet cause you're committed to the push and he has a fresh mag in already.
Definitely could just be a me thing. That's why I'm posting this to get a 3rd party opinion.


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