Roster Shuffles are like patches for the pro scene

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

After TI there is a lot more predictability of which team will beat who and who are the strongest teams. But after roster shuffles there are so many new dynamics that it makes it much harder to predict what's going to happen.

For example here are some analogies where "teams" for roster shuffles can be swapped with "heroes" for patches:

  • Some teams will be unchanged and stay the same power level.
  • Some teams will stay unchanged and rise or fall in power level just due to the match ups against their opponents changing.
  • Some teams will look super strong on paper but don't pan out for unforseen reasons.
  • Some teams will look super strong on paper and end up being super strong.
  • Some teams will break out from obscurity using new strategies or playing off of strengths of their new teammates.

Do you have any more analogies?


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