SCAV AI is an insult to players!!!

Seriously, the fact that scavs roll for "hit or not" and then "random body part among those available in eyesight" is a very stupid idea and the worst part is that they're able to aim and shoot perfectly while moving. If you happen to peak from behind a corner without exposing your body but only your head you can say bye bye to your PMC. If there's no possibility to develop a new AI system , can developers set at least a VERY LOW probability to hit heads? Because the amount of onetap from scavbots is absurdly high for me. I know that someone will experience the fights with scavs very differently from me but please understand my point.

I know I'm going to be downvoted to hell but I think an AI overhaul is seriously needed…I'm forced to change my combat behavior in order to survive these fckers and this is not funny at all…


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