Sharing creeps with your carry

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So, as hard support, how do you share farm with your carry in games?

If your hero is better at lasthits, the picture is obvious, you can just overlasthit him first 4-5 waves until he gets his stats items that will give him unfair advantage;

4-5 waves is not a lot, but is playable, can get midas at min ~18 with it;

But what do you do when your carry is that type of person who picks a hero which has higher initial stats, just to have better lasthits?

Are you supposed to only take creeps when you have the mana for a spell (since you cannot overlasthit him with your hero)?

Or the play is to pull your creeps to neutral camps, so you can farm both, creepwave and neutrals, while your carry pays for his arrogance against two heroes?

Or it is better to go for some stats item first, so you can have equal/better lasthit chance?

Or better to spam mangos with some nuke spell? Is it viable? In this case my midas is still late late, only at min ~25-27.

And obviosuly i tried to use communication, but there are two ways how people in low mmr are reacting:

– Your carry just flames you then leaves the lane and teleports to another lane, or goes to jungle; So you have to sit 1vs2 and get harrassed and overdenied by 2 opponents;

– Your carry flames you and gets even more farming items, letting you completely without a chance to get any creep on the lane;

So, how do i get midas faster than min 25-27, when my hero is not good at lasthits compared to my carry (in low mmr, when they pick it on purpose to win lasthits)?


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