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Skellige Warriors

Yennefer's Journey

A bit of a rant, but I just really don’t get the design philosophy behind the new skellige cards. In my mind the warriors decks focus is on control, so lots of removal, damage engines and few power plays to get points on your side of the board, cards like Ulula, Highland Warlord(card is fine but for this much carryover should really be 6p) and Bran, but then theres Sove, Tyr: Master Of An Skellig, Harald and Arnjolf so many pointslam cards that can outpoint even Monsters in a short round. In my opinion Tyr being able to almost unconditionally play for at least 25(9 + 16 from invader) points, even more if not removed the moment he enters the board is just stupid, most decks winconditions aren’t that powerfull, but thats not even the real issue, normally you could just bleed him out, except here comes Sove to play for 24 points(whom is also immue for some reason…), and 4 and 5p cards that kill anything that you play. I just don’t see a way to outplay so much raw value, the most common way in which I win agains those decks is if they overcommit round one or take a VERY bad pass (one card advantage often means nothing). In my opinion the way to make this balanced without changing the cards text is to make Sove at least 13p (so that he is even just a little bit risky to play and its harder to fit some many good cards with him) and, as I mentioned earlier, Warlord just isn’t a 5p card, he has to go to 6, Tyr should go to 6 power when he evolves (no more wasting Heatwave on him, just a MC Spear or Chironex) and then maybe make him 1p cheaper to compensate. Tho IMO bigger changes would be nice, like making the beast summoned by Sove and actuall challange to kill, I would love if they made him a „build your whole deck aroud it card”instead of another boring big point play for warriors. Just wanna add that I’m a veteran player playing almost since the start of Homecoming and I’ve been in top 200 one time, so I think I know a bit about this game and I really want it to be as healthy and fun as possible when the support ends


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