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Solution to how annoying shoreline is

It involves changes to movement and basics stamina regeneration.

Introducing: more control over your movement by having the ability to initiate runs by using the scrollwheel but also it gives you the option to not run at full speed and therefore conserving energy but it also gives the opportunity to add another skill or maybe use strength + endurance levels to give us more movement options down the line stamina wise.

So that was a mouthful, let me explain.

Right now in game you will be able to use your scroll wheel to decrease your walking speed in turn you gain nothing stealth.
You put it down as much as you can and youre a snail, crouch and youre a snail but somehow you can do it forever and be silent like a rogue bit quieter.

Now, aside from the usual rework of stealth and how loud you are in stances and stamina regen in them etc…

We should be able to change our sprint speed

Now, how would that work, well. I cant post pictures here because ofc i cant. But you know how there is the dots in the bottom left corner of your screen?
1. Basically make it easy to spot the current walking speed dot which depends on your weight.
2. Double or maybe add 1/4 of the dots to the right of the now currently bigger and maybe colored dot that indicates the natural walking speed. Those dots on the right would be greying out from the right, where it would not affect the current way the "walking dots" grey out.
3. This variable sprint speed would allow for jogging or whetever the different names for running are in english. All of that would allow for different stamina management options etc.

Having that on top of this clusterfuck thats happening right now so here are some things to change just to remind you.
stamina usage while prone, stamina usage while crouched, stamina usage while standing, stamina usage while walking
stamina regeneration while proning, stamina regeneration while crouching, stamina regeneration while walking

at this point i feel like stamina regeneration should be a skill
oh yeah while were at it!
consider this..
reward losing stamina for small falls and one time crouching / jumping by giving 100% of it back in a very small amount of time if you dont use up any other stamina afterwards

i hate stamina in this game, i hate stealth in this game and i hate weight in this game.
fuck you and ill see you tommorow



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