Star name inaccuracies

I'm most of the way through my first beyond-the-bubble exploration, one in which I decided I would visit all of the brightest stars as seen from earth (those with magnitude of 1.5 or lower). I discovered when trying to plot my routes that for an astronomy-based game that seems to pride itself on its realism, there is a lot of sloppiness in real-star names.

First there are the outright errors:

"Achenar" (Achernar), "Adara" (Adhara)

Then there is the usage of outdated alternate star names, rather than using the much more commonly-accepted names (and those sanctioned by the IAU):

"Agena" instead of "Hadar"

"Becrux" instead of "Mimosa"

And then there is the just insulting: one of the most distant bright stars visible to the naked eye, and one of the largest and hottest, known for millenia as "Deneb", is demoted to the nondescript "alpha cygni".

And I've come across other inconsistencies, such as having 2 of the 3 stars in Orion's belt properly named (Mintaka and Alnitak) while the middle star Alnilam is simply "epsilon Orionis".

I'm disappointed, as with all the other great details they had to have nailed, simple and easily-correctable errors like this remain errant.


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