Regarding the cheaters.
Well, I'm not Chinese and yes I think there's a bit of truth in them hacking a lot BUT that being said nobody really has any real statistics for this. (No hate to China, you have some of the best food on the planet) I'm going to make a little proposal for you all here. If anyone ever manages to get some sort of believable statistics on the matter it's going to turn out like this:
50% or more will be Americans
25% Asians
And 25% Europe
What I base this on, very good capabilities of judging people!! Being located in mid Europe I notice a little something in just about every game, every Saturday I play about 6 hours, at some point I notice Asia is going to sleep and suddenly the cheaters become more frequent, I wonder why…. It's been like this for idk how long, I've played online for about 10 years now, before that I only played single player games. Changing servers to the awakening part of the planet makes it even worse, hmm.
Why am I writing this so late, well because the accused are eating dinner/still at work depending on how far west they are.. and I like to see how mad they can get because clearly it's never their fault š
Just some stuff for everyone to think about.