OK, everyone said that I should get a bigger sample size of the crypts, so here is that accounting.
I've cleared five crypts in total now. I was a little off with the first one. I pulled that 85 out, and when I went back, I got 76 more, for a total of 161, not 200.
The other four crypts I've entered gave me the following:
70, so far. Still two rooms to go.
So, the 161 was an outlier. BUT, when I first started playing Valheim in August 2022, people were talking about 30 or 40 per crypt. That's why I said that I thought they must have raised how much there was in each one.
I keep waiting for one of the "two dead ends and no chest" crypts that others have said exist, and upon further reflection, I think they're probably right. Happy iron gathering, all!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/11ahq4r/sunken_crypts_part_ii/