Sy lined pocket is how the game should feel

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

Sy reminds me of warriors which in my opinion is one of the best designed decks in gwent. The power level might be questionable but it’s not deniable that both warriors and Sy are just in rhythm with themselves which makes them enjoyable to play. The only issue is the possibility of the archetype engulfing the faction which warriors had done for sk requiring cdpr to remove tags from cards to help distinguish pirates from just being warriors but I think Sy has a lot more variety in its design capabilities preventing the issue.

Sy needs addressing as it is too strong currently requiring adjustments on mostly just safe crackers. hopefully not much more as it feels like a deck that could really continue to evolve instead of being a brief blip in the meta. I hope other faction get these insync archetypes as currently ng ball and elves sort of fit but are missing something. ball being an issue in its own right and elves is just missing one or two thing. While mo and nr(except witchers the neutral deck painted blue) just don’t feel the same way.

TLDR lined pockets is good design just too strong. other factions need lined pockets/ warriors feeling archetypes


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