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Tarkov Competitive Squad eSport Idea

I love Tarkov and I think it would be really dope if there was a competitive esport aspect introduced into the game that was separate from the main game's progression, but offers end game style content.

My idea would be to have a 6 vs 6 tactical squad battle on a large map like Reserve, Shoreline, or Interchange. The main mechanics of the game would remain the same. However, there would be no AI, extractions, attainable loot, or respawns during a round. It would focus solely on PvP where your squad has to communicate to sweep and clear a location to eliminate the hostile squad. The two squads would spawn on opposite corners of the map and they will have to move in to eliminate the other squad before the round timer expires, lets say 30 minutes. If members of both squads are alive at the end of 30 minutes, an overtime flag would spawn in the middle of the map (fire pit between Knight and Queen buildings on Reserve, first floor middle of the mall between Mantis and Brutal on Interchange, and Resort courtyard between West and East buildings on Shoreline) that would need to be captured, which would provide an alternate way to win. Otherwise it would end in a tie after 5 minutes of overtime.

I think there should be a monetary cost to enter these style games (100K) as well as a high level requirement before you are allowed to begin queuing for this style of match.

If your squad wins, each person could get randomized rewards, which would be similar to receiving loot from your Scav box, but it will come through the mail.

If you die in this mode, any gear that your character brings into raid will be returned like Insurance since you and the other players won't be able to loot in this mode. (Ammo and consumables will be lost since they can not be insured and there still should be some kind of punishment for dying). This will make sure that these matches stay focused on teamplay and PvP instead of looting. It would also eliminate potential gear fear about what to bring into these matches. You will still need to out of raid heal like any other normal death.

Additionally, a rank system and other things could also be implemented for this style of gameplay, but I won't go into it now.

I think it would be a really cool and fun thing to add and hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a burden on the Devs to do so, if well received by them. I am looking forward to see what other people would like to add or change about my basic concept. Thanks for reading.


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