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The Federal Gunship combat tips?

I've recently got my one and only goal so far in this game, the beauty that is the federal Gunship. I've got a mining asp explorer, a passenger asp explorer, a mining/combat Keelback, a Type 7 cargo transport, so I'm okay for ship variety and roles before I delve into engineering. Transporting biowaste and passengers was a slow reputation grind but the sights were pretty and it made me a decent bank.

I've gone to a high haz Res site with no engineering on the FGS yet, and am working to improve my FAS off skills as that's absolutely essential to make the gunship work. On mouse and keyboard atm – I have a macro to activate relative mouse in FAS off.

On the infamous video by Rizzler on the gunship, I've gone 1 large beam, 2 medium beams, 2 medium multicannon and 2 small multicannon to get a relatively balanced anti shield and anti hull weapon layout (Yes I know it's not the almighty all multicannon but it sucked against shields). It's been doing well so far for an unengineered ship.

My only question is that despite having a decent time tracking ships, I'm not quite sure what the optimal engagement technique is with the FGS?

  • Online people say it sucks because they treat it like a turn fighter. As someone relatively new to combat I don't really know what this means? I'm definitely turning to face an enemy but am usually moving/strafing/reversing at the same time.

  • I've seen a YouTube comment saying you should use FAS off to quickly turn and force the enemy (AI) to chase you if they are more mobile. This is supposed to lead to a head to head fight while you reverse backwards. I've tried this but the system authority vessels usually quickly preoccupy my target and I reverse out of range of my weapons frequently (more often than not it's my fighter that gets me the kill).

  • Doing the above also leaves me really damaged against stuff like a python and anaconda, I don't die but my modules get completely taken out and I have to resort to ramming which is a very unusual thing to do with 7 weapons (and a fighter). Would it be better to try and get on the tails of stuff like pythons and large ships. In my experience every python I've fought has carried like some sort of missile than wrecks my modules no matter how many module reinforcements I put on.

My build: Unengineered 'Let me Get a Feel for it' Build


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